
5 Essential Tips for Memorial Day Weekend Road Warriors

Memorial Day is just around the corner, and that means the unofficial start to summer! As Americans prepare for long-weekend getaways, trips to the beach and family picnics, they’ll also be faced with what’s predicted to be one of the busiest Memorial Day Weekends on record. Relatively low gas prices means the roads will be extra crowded.

Here’s our top 5 essential tips to consider if you’re planning a Memorial Day weekend road trip.

  1. Fill up the night before.
    Make sure you have a full tank of gas before you leave. If you wait until you’re on the road you may find gas stations are extremely busy. Wouldn’t you rather spend a little extra time at your destination than waiting in line at the pumps?
  2. Know your route before you leave.
    Spend a few minutes planning your route the night before you leave. Don’t get caught in unexpected construction or detours. While most state Department’s of Transportation suspend work during major holidays, lane closures and detours will still be in effect.
  3. Time your road trip appropriately.
    Do your best to avoid being on the road during peak travel times. Consider leaving early on Friday (before 9:00 am), or waiting until Friday night (7:00 pm or later) or Saturday morning. Going home, try to leave on Sunday or early Monday morning (before 9:00 am). If you wait until Monday afternoon, you will join millions of others doing the same thing… what a way to spoil an otherwise great weekend.
  4. Give yourself some extra time.
    It’s always best to plan a few stops along the way. Leave a little early, take a break or two while traveling and perhaps stop along the way for a quick snack. There’s nothing wrong with getting to your destination a little early… it fact, you may be thankful for a little time to decompress after a few hours on the road.
  5. Get some rest.
    No one likes a cranky driver. Short tempers, distracted drivers and lack of rest is a deadly combination while on the road, especially in holiday traffic. Get to bed early the night before you leave.

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